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Saturday, September 5, 2009

Hear My Cry

Hear My Cry (Mustang, OK: Tate Publishing and Enterprises, 2009, 229 pages) is as complex a book as its author. Tish Hagee Tucker is smart, witty, lively, loving, and God-honoring. All of this comes through in Hear My Cry.

In this journey through her battle with cancer, Tucker tells her tale in an engrossing manner. She walks you through receiving the diagnosis and the treatment at M.D. Anderson in Houston. Through this you can feel the emotional battles going on as though you are in the room with her. Her unique way of viewing life and creative expression makes you laugh at occasions that are heart-breaking. The struggles are so vivid that it is difficult not to shed a tear while reading. But mostly, you are inspired by her faith and God’s faithfulness.

Tucker’s struggle reminds us of the importance and power of prayer. Hear My Cry teaches of the power of little acts of kindness, such as bringing a meal or washing a dog. There are lessons of what not to do or say in times of turmoil. Scripture and prayer saturate the book, as they saturated her life during the fight.

Hear My Cry is a reminder to be thankful for our health, to value the time we have with family and friends, and, most of all, to live a life that brings glory and honor to God.

There is much more to this book, but to find that out you will have to buy it.

One more thing: a special bonus includes a coupon code for the audio book.